Understanding Anger

angry lego character heads

Today we are launching a new category to the Hub to help young people to understand anger, how it affects us and how best to keep it under control.

Anger is something we all experience at some level and it’s a completely normal emotion.

Some of us have more of it than others. The better we understand it the better we will be able to manage it.

Anger demands attention and can lead to aggressive behaviour. Anger is an emotional response to panic, telling our brains rightly or wrongly, that we are in danger.

The way anger is released is typically through aggressive behaviour which, leads to people in return rejecting the angry person or behaving aggressively in return. Both of these responses will cause more anger creating a vicious circle.

The more we understand how and why we become angry the better we will be able to manage it especially in difficult situations.

To learn more about understanding anger visit the anger category in the HUB


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