We need your help!

hands in a circle

Over the last year lots of people in Wirral have been working to try to make support and services better for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities otherwise known as SEND but, we know there is still a lot to do!

Everyone who works with children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Wirral wants our services and support to be really good.

We want you to:

- Get help from adults and services when you need it

- Enjoy school, training, or learning

- Be able to take part in activities you enjoy

- Be listened to

- Have access to services for your health and wellbeing

- Have a plan for your future

It would really help us if you can share your views on what we can do next and what would make everyday life better for you.

In this survey we are not asking for your name, it is anonymous. If you want to ask someone to help you fill it in, that’s okay.


Homemade with Helen! Lasagne 


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