Staying on top of your mental health during exam season

people sitting an exam

Today sees young people from across Wirral returning to school following the Easter school holidays. That means for many of you things in your life are about change. You maybe leaving college and heading off to uni, starting a job, planning a break during summer or beginning your career. Before any of that starts though you will need to get through your exams. GCSE or A Levels both are challenging and important.

This time of year we often see an increase in young people’s levels of anxiety and stress. This is pretty normal given the pressure that taking exams can have. It’s really important though that you recognise when your mental health is suffering and prepare and act early to ensure you keep on top of it.

5 Top tips to help you keep on top of your mental health during exam season

Talk to people if you are struggling

Don’t sit round waiting for things to just get easier. If you are struggling, be sure to chat to your parents and carers, your teachers and lecturers and your peers. Tell them how you are feeling. It probably won’t make the exams easier but it will help you to gather your thoughts and hlep you to work through and strategise your problems.

Eat well

Eating a healthy diet is always something to work towards but especially during exam periods eating a healthy diet will ensure your body has everythign it needs to keep you focused and feeling well. You might be tempted to reach for a can of energy drink to help you cram some mre revision in but it’s likley going to have the opposite effect causing you crash a small time later.

Try to make sure your getting some protein with every meal: fish, eggs, low-fat dairy, lentils, beans, chicken, meat, nuts and seeds. Eat fruit and non-starchy vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables, helping yourself to at least seven servings a day.

Drink lots of water: eight or more cups daily. Enjoy coffee, tea and dark chocolate in moderation.

Get enough sleep

Here at ZILLO we are always going on about sleep but it really is a superpower. Sleep is primarily for the brain. It allows the brain to recover and turns information into memory. Without a good night’s sleep your brain finds it difficult to do this.

Be sure to check out our better sleep tips in the HUB.

Give yourself breaks

You probably have a pretty full diary with school, college and revision but it’s really important to make sure your also planning in down time. Use this time to do something completely unrelated. Go for a walk, get some exercise, watch some TV, listen to music. Whatever it is just make sure you plan it, and do it when the time comes. You’ll feel more relaxed and refreshed ready to go again.

Be kind to yourself

Working hard to achieve something important to you is a really admirable thing but it can also be the thing holding you back. It’s not the end of the world if something doesn’t go to plan straight away. Work hard, plan some down time, hang out with friends, listen to good music, exercise, and make sure your getting enough sleep and your doing everything you can to succeed.


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