Join our Young Reporters

zillo young reporters flyer

Ever thought you would like to get into journalism? Are you a budding artist or creative and want somewhere to showcase your talent? At ZILLO we are always looking to support and work with new young people and our greatest asset is our Young Reporters team.

ZILLO Young Reporters project is your opportunity to get involved, get creating and have your say on the issues that matter to you. We encourage ZILLO Young Reporters to explore the issues that they are passionate about and give them the platform to share it.

ZILLO Young Reporters encourages Wirral young people with the talents and interest in writing, photography, illustration, design, journalism, film making to become part of our growing group of Young Reporters.

ZILLO Young Reporters project is open to all Wirral Young People aged 11 - 18

ZILLO Young Reporters currently meet on Thursday evenings to share ideas, plan and discuss topics, articles and features for the site. Sessions are ran online for the time being whilst we set up our new creative suite at Pilgrim Street Arts Centre which will be a place for you to come, share ideas, meet new people, hone your skills and develop new ones.

To join ZILLO Young Reporters send us an email and we will get back to you.


Still time to apply to become Wirral’s next UKYP representative


Calling all Music Makers