Final week of exams… What next?

person looking into a blue sky

You may be one of the many young people who are on the home straight when it comes to finishing exams. Some of you may already have completed them. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of completing your final exam knowing that you have the whole summer ahead of you to take time out, relax and recover.

But what next? Some of you may have already lined up a Uni or college place and some of you may be looking for work or an apprenticeship. The period between your final exam is a really important time to take some well deserved rest but it’s also a really brilliant opportunity to work on building some good habits to help you out when you return in September.

We’ve put together a few tips to help you get through the summer and get ready for what is to come.

Give yourself a break

Students work really hard for a long time throughout the build-up and during exams so its really important to take some time off to unwind and relax. Exam pressure can be really physically and mentally draining so taking some down time is important to help your body and mind recover. Don’t worry if you feel a little lost or even bored for a week or two after your exams have finish you’ve been working really hard and sometimes when you aren’t working so hard your body and mind wonders what is going on and can take a little while to reset.

Read something

When you return to education or work in September you still want to feel fairly sharp when it comes to learning. Reading during the summer will really help to exercise your brain keeping your brain nimble and ready to learn. Choose something that interests you and read something your going to enjoy this way you will keep your brain active and healthy whilst also enjoying a good story or learning something new.

Start a new routine

Starting some kind of healthy routine will ensure that when September comes around your feeling fresh and ready to begin your new journey. It doesn’t have to be something massive it could be as simple as making sure you make your bed everyday, getting up at the same time everyday, reading a book for half an hour everyday or making sure you reach a certain number of steps everyday before going to bed.

This period is a great opportunity to do something for yourself and build new healthy habits to carry you forward positively into September.

Take up a sport or start an exercise programme

Exercise is pretty much numero uno when it comes to stress busting activities and its also and amazing way of building new healthy habits, unwinding, and staying healthy. You don’t need a gym membership to keep fit, if you have internet access YouTube has thousands of amazing work out plans and sessions to help you for free. Choose something you think you would like and give it a go. Try to build it into your routine and you will soon be reaping the rewards.

Breathe and Flow on YouTube have an amazing beginners Yoga program to help kick start a new exercise practice for you. Check it out below.


Africa Oye Festival returns this weekend!


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