Back to School

Girl carrying school books

It’s almost that time of year again. The days are getting shorter and some of the leaves are turning colour for the start of Autumn. The dreaded first day back at school is almost here. 

Not everyone likes the long summer holiday and can’t wait to see their mates and get back to a routine. But some of you might be feelings sick, anxious, nervous or just gutted that you have to start a new year at school. 

Everyone has a different feeling at this time of year, but there are things you can do to make it a bit easier if you are struggling. 

Here are some suggestions to help make it go as well as it possibly can. 


1.The best thing to do is be prepared! 

This will help you feel in control and that’s always a good thing! Pack your bag, arrange to meet your mates at the bus stop, get your uniform out and don’t forget your snacks! 


2. Get some sleep in.  

Try and get into an earlier bedtime routine a few nights in advance so you are not in too much shock on the first morning. Sleep helps you manage stress – if you are finding it difficult have a look at our info INSERT SLEEP LINK 


3. Remember it won’t be like last year. 

Don’t forget that you will probably have a new timetable and different teachers. Make sure you have a planner in your bag to reduce your stress of being late getting lost or going to the wrong place. 


4. Try and eat some breakfast even if you don’t want to!  

Your change in routine from the lazy days of the summer will need energy and that comes from food. Try and eat five a day and don’t forget to drink water (yes it’s boring but its benefits are magical) INSERT HEALTHY EATING LINK? 


5. Be nice to yourself but also try and challenge yourself. 

Take it one day at a time, make a plan, and if you are worried or struggling talk to someone about it. If you can’t do your homework because of other responsibilities at home tell someone. School want you to feel safe and supported so speak up if things are tough. 


6. Stay positive 

A positive mental attitude really can help. Make a list of the things that might be good about going back to school and think about it before you go in your first day back. 


Remember it won’t be long until half term and then it will nearly be the Christmas holidays! 


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