Would you like to share your Mental Health journey?

yellow balloons with smiley faces

Anna Freud are asking young women and girls who are 12–24 years old to help us create videos for My Story and Me.

Mental health problems for young women and girls are on the rise. For example, in 2017, one in eight young women aged 17–19 experienced mental health problems. This has increased to one in four in 2022. This could be due to a range of factors, including the circumstances young women and girls face.

Anna Freud are creating a storytelling intervention for young women and girls called ‘My Story and Me’ to help all young women and girls to understand and talk about their mental health.

I want to take part! What do I do next?

  1. Complete a short form to express your interest and Anna Freud will follow up with you (this will take 5 minutes).

  2. Sign a consent form to say that you are happy to take part (this will take 10–15 minutes.) *If you are 12-15 years old, your parent or carer will also need to sign a consent form.

  3. Create the recording  about ‘Who am I? What is my mental health story? How would I like to be supported?’ (this will take 30 minutes, including preparation time).

  4. Check the final videos. Make sure you are happy with the video (this will take 10 minutes).

If you have any questions about the project, your rights in the project, or how we are using information, please contact at MyStory@annafreud.org.

Find out more

My Story and Me: a storytelling intervention for young women and girls


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